Friday 10 June 2011

Research into Different Trailers - Comedy

The Hangover: Part II
Opens with the sponsoring titles, Warner Bros Pictures
Then with the production company, Legendary Pictures
Opening shot is a black screen with white block writing 'In 2009' this makes us remember the first part to it and reminds the audience of when it came out.
'They said...' implies the critics that reviewed the film, which was a huge success.
This shot is a long shot of a corridor, in a grotty looking place, with a quote from a newspaper reviewing the film. Before the quote appears it is just s a shot of the background image, giving insight to the location.
Next shot is similar, but the location has changed to a long shot of a messy room, this gives off the impression that something has happened. Again the screen appears with another quote form a magazine.

This shot is more of a mid close shot of the side of bed, with a old looking radio and a big cockroach. This makes it look very grungy and dirty. As if they are not in a nice suite like in the first film.
Nest shot is a long shot of a bathroom with a very dirty looking sink.This time there are three quotes, very short, but still making an impact.
This low level ground shot is of three men's legs and a small monkey walking down the street. The impact this makes on the audience could be humorous. The ground is sand implying that they are in an exotic location.
The camera tilts up to a long shot of the three men, which are the main characters in the first film. All the leading up to seeing the characters could be great for the effect on the audience, they may cheer or be happy to see the familiar faces. The text on the screen is 'The Wolfpack' which is a famous line form the first film.
 By saying 'is Back' the audience could be happy and then be relieved to know that it will similar to the first installment.
The screen goes to black as someone walks in front of the camera. This effect is as though we as the audience are watching from a distance and are in the same place as them. The shot then returns to them as one of the characters is looking away from the camera and another completely turning his head away. This effect is that that they are acting as if the camera is not there, and we as the audience are onlookers in the street. With the title of the film up on screen it is meeting the expectations of the audience.
It then cuts to a scene of the main characters in a room, all sitting on the ground in a hallway. They all look exhausted and as if they have been through a lot. This shows the audience that there will be some adventure happening.
There is then a mid shot of two of the characters, one of them with a shaven head, who originally had a full of hair, making it very humorous for the audience. And another with the little monkey on its shoulder, insinuating that the monkey will play a big part in the film.
Shot then goes to the other main character who looks very strained and as if he in pain, which could be funny to the audience, knowing that something is going to happen to make them like this.
The next shot is of a mid shot of the three characters with information about the film. This is something we will include in the teaser trailer, the date it comes out. The target audience for this trailer is an American audience because they choose to say Memorial Day instead of 30th May. For our own teaser trailer we will try to make the audience more open and varied.

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