Tuesday 1 November 2011

Research and Planning: Target Audience

To get research into our target audience we asked both females and males between the age of 16-30 a questionnaire to do with films. We asked the following questions:

1. Gender
2. Age
3. Favourite genre of film
4. How often do you go to the cinema?
5. What makes you want to see a film?
6. Which way do you watch movies the most?

We asked these questions because we believe they are all relevant to a film and going to the cinema to watch films. The first four questions are to get a standard picture of the audience and who they are. Question 5 is important because it devls into why people go to watch a film, is it the quality of the trailer, storyline or if someone they like is in it? So this was a good question to ask because we got to know the main reasons. The last question is just to see whether films do the best by being watched a the cinema, on DVD or on their TV or computers at home.

These are the results:

They would mainly be females, and they like comedy or thriller films. They go to the cinema every month to see the films with the best trailers and story lines, otherwise they would watch films on their TV.


Find Your Tribe Research

Find Your Tribe is a great way of finding out which social group you may belong to. We decided that we wanted to have a specific idea of what our audience type would be and this questionnaire allowed us to find that out. Below are some of the relevant questions that we were asked about our target audience which we answered using results from our survey and other general knowledge about our audience type.

We aim for our trailer to be aimed towards the female gender and also that are between the ages of 15-18, which are at college and live in a modern part of the UK.
We didn't have a specific preference to what music our audience would listen to so we put radio as that is mostly a mixture of genres.
Our target audience would watch TV, go to the cinema and go on line in their spare time. We selected these as in our questionnaire when asked how do they view their movies the most popular was, cinema, tv and on line.
We selected online streaming websites as top used as when researched that how our target audience would watch most of their programmes/movies.

As one of our products is a movie magazine we selected this magazine as magazines read to show us what our true audience would be.
Our final result which we received was 'Clubber'. Described on the website as 'You are a Clubber! You live for the weekend when you can get on with the real living – going out for 48 hours and dancing the night away. You’re only young once, right? You will go miles to find that elusive perfect rave – if it’s a field in a middle of nowhere, miles from home, or your spiritual home: Ibiza. For you, Space really is the place.'
This shows us that our target audience are the type of people who go out, socialise and are active in the media, this is vital information which will help us mould our trailer to our target audience.

We created this moodboard compling of all the things that we feel our target audience would use/watch.

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